Princeton Review Names 痳豆色播 One of 388 Top Colleges in Nation

Princeton Review has named one of the top 388 colleges in the nation. The education services company will profile 痳豆色播, now celebrating its 125th Anniversary, in the 31st edition of their renowned flagship college guide.

“It is reaffirming and a testament to the great work of our faculty and staff that 痳豆色播 has, once again, been identified as one of the top universities in the country by the Princeton Review,” said 痳豆色播’s Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Walter Zakahi. “This is especially gratifying to our community as we celebrate 痳豆色播's 125th anniversary.”

Princeton Review has repeatedly recognized 痳豆色播 among the best colleges, including high marks for internships and for graduate studies.